Look what he made for me! It's a sampler platter of Pie!! Look at all her tiny parts...I can't believe she was ever that little. She looks so different to me now.Here are some close-ups...
Little foot Little hands
Sweet face
Look what he made for me! It's a sampler platter of Pie!! Look at all her tiny parts...I can't believe she was ever that little. She looks so different to me now.Here are some close-ups...
Little foot Little hands
Sweet face
I was tagged by Leah at Lovely Life of Leah with "3 things about me." You've got to check out her site. There are lots of gorg pics of her and her little Gavin from a recent photo shoot...so cute!
3 names I go by:
* Sarie (family in general)
* Pea (Husband)
* Bup (my dad)
3 places i have been:
* London (loved it)
* Paris (not so much)
* Lucerne (felt like I was in a fairy tale, so beautiful)
3 favorite drinks:
* Middle Sister's homemade lemonade
* margarita
* ice cold beer on a hot day...mmmm
(I felt like listing alcohol for all three was a little too boozy so I classed up the list with some wholesome lemonade)
3 jobs i have had:
* daycare/dayschool teacher
* party host at Discovery Zone
* currently - Senior Project Manager/Client Relations Manager for a software company (gag)
3 tv shows i watch:
* Top Chef (and any number of other reality shows)
* Family Guy
* The Simpsons
3 places i would like to visit:
* Fiji (I'm stealing this one from Leah...who wouldn't want to go there?!)
* Ireland
* Greece
(Sadly I've become a freak about flying. We were all set to go to Cape Cod to visit family a few years ago, got so far as boarding the plane and they said, "We're closing the door." I said, "Oh hell no you're not." And ran for the gate. Not sure what caused that, some combo of being trapped and who knows what else. I haven't tried again since)
3 favorite retro tv shows:
* Facts of Life
* Family Ties
* Golden Girls
3 places i have lived:
* Royal Oak, MI (outside of Detroit...was born here)
* Boston, MA (the folks are from here)
* Atlanta, GA (currently)
3 favorite dishes:
* veggie burger on the grill
* pizza...yum
* cheese and crackers (not technically a dish, but one of my fav things to eat)
3 things I am looking forward to:
* VACATION! I leave on Friday!!!
* Pie's first word
* Having a life that does not include my current job (having one I actually like instead would be beyond fantastic)
3 people I'm tagging
* Cindy - This Adventure, Our Life
* Kayla – and Potato Makes Three
* Jenni – jenni from the blog
Pie has become fascinated with the laptop and wanted to add her two cents...take it away lovie
Perhaps she'll be a mathematician. She showed no interest at all in the letters, only the numbers....
As with all good things, it comes with rules:
Pamela at 2 much testosterone
Sharon at A Flock of Fitzgeralds
Lindsey at A little Kloep
C’s Mommy at A Mommy’s Dream About Diapers and More
Amber at Amber’s Life
Untypically Jia at Color Me UnTypical
Alexis at Depressions and Confessions
Lady Hill at From Lazy to Lady
Hrtsmakefamily at Hearts Make Families
Danielle at Humes, Party of Three
Brittany Ciara at Life According to Amanda
Tiffany at Mom-Nom.Com
Mommy’s Sippy Cup at Mommy’s Sippy Cup
Nikki at My Fantabulous Wonderful Life
Brandi at My Three Bubs
Congrats one and all...it's well deserved!!
This week Friday Follow is hosted by Kmama from The Daily Dribble, Elizabeth from The Crafty Charlestonian, and Brittany Ciara from Not Your Average Teen.
Man, it's possible I watch too many prison shows. I need some sort of shanking 12 step program...
3. And to end any Friday on a good note...some Pie. She's being a cheeky little monkey...but always a lady with her rolly ankles crossed.
Hope you all have a great weekend. If I can not feel like such a pile of poo with this strep, I'm going to try and get some crafty-ness accomplished!
This week Friday Follow is hosted by Stephanie from Goober Grape Monkeyman, Meg from Just Another Manic Mommy, and Traci from Traci66.
2. The lovely and talented The Mommy at Twenty Little Toes has awarded me the Outstanding Blogger Award. I am honored. Truly. If you aren't familiar with The Momma and her blog you should go check it out. It's full of great pictures and ADORABLE twins! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I am passing this one on to:
Chelsea Rebecca at Triumphs and Blunders of a Kooky Girl
Molly at The Snyder 5
Salt at Salt Says
Lacey at Our Life: Narrated by Lacey
Sara at Everyday Life With The Nevilles
These are all blogs that I love. Clever, funny, thought-provoking. They are at the top of my to read list everyday. You should go chek them out. Do it, do it.
3. And to lighten up after my heavy week (and for my wonderful husband) here's a classic LOLZ. It gets Husband every time. Sadly it usually makes me laugh too. Ahh...good times...
Hope you all have a great weekend. I'm hoping to get some Pie in the pool pictures for next week!
I had some morning snuggles with Husband and Pie. Then I took the longest shower in recorded history. I used every single fancy-pantsy shower product I have...scrubs, conditioners, masks, polishers, etc. It was heaven. Then we just hung out all day. We got Pie an inflatable pool this weekend and had the inaugural splash yesterday. She loved it! It's big enough for husband and I to sit in too, so the three of us hung out and splashed and kicked. You know those moments that just overwhelm you...with happiness, with love, with a sense that you are in the exact right place at the exact right time? Being in the pool with Husband and Pie was one of those. Just thinking about it makes my stomach drop a little.
And I got some awesome presents to boot! I got some clothes, movies and Amazon gift cards (woo hoo!). And I also got:
This print which I LOVE. It from Etsy (of course)...a shop called Tiny Showcase. This artist is giving half of the proceeds to the Gulf Restoration Network, so it was a double gift.And I got this necklace with my little family's initials on it. AMAZING. And what a shock, another Etsy purchase. This is from a shop called Soul Peaces.
And best of all, I got lots and lots of gummy smiles, and drool-y kisses from this little love.
Friday Follow is hosted by Tami from Hearts Make Families, Ian from The Daily Dose of Reality, and Harriet from Harriet and Friends. It’s Friday Follow with a twist and I'm loving it!!
Blog Hop Friday is hosted by My New Life As Mom, Chubby Cheeks Thinks, Take A Mom's Word For It, Bree Bee's, This Adventure Our Life and Belly Charms!2. Tomorrow my little Pie will be 5 months old. Holy crap.
3. Sunday I will be 33 years old. Holy crap-er.
I don't really have much today. I hope you all have a great weekend and find some wonderful new blogs. I always do!!