It was the longest ten days of our lives. On the tenth day we sat staring at the phone, waiting for the call. 4:45, no call. We just need to wait. 4:47 still no call. More waiting. 4:52, 4:53 no call. 4:55:07, 4:55:28 no call. We were a ridiculous mess. It was 5:01 when we found out that all was good. We called Pie's Bio Mom and she had basically forgotten about the deadline. She had been at the library and had gotten absorbed in whatever she was doing. While we spent ten days (well actually 13 days) on pins and needles, she had gone about her life. She had made the decision and it had been final. There was no need for the waiting period as far as she was concerned. That was so reassuring to me.
This picture was taken about 5:15. There was crying, squeezes, champagne, hoorays, kisses and more crying.