June 17, 2011

Another random Friday

I keep ending up with these little bits to tell you at the end of the week. So this is another Friday catch-all.
I have come clean before about watching 16 and Pregnant and Teen Mom. They're terrible and I can't look away. I just watched this week's 16 and Pregnant and really want to smack somebody. This week was a 15 year old girl and a 16 year old boy. Idiots both. Neither would consider adoption because they didn't "believe" in it.

I can't even process what that means. How do you not believe in something that actually exists? And to make things even more mind boggling, the girl's mother had a child in her teens that she did place for adoption because so was too young to care for the child. How do you have adoption in your family and still not believe in it?! I may or may not, and totally did, cry for that poor, sweet baby.

My expert has been having some serious computer issues, so she is just starting to answer the questions. I will have that sorted and up next week. And let me just say that her answers simply confirm her expert status. She's wicked smart.

I got some super duper prizes for my birthday. A spa day (oh yes!), some killer Etsy items, and the best of all...my little Pie choose my birthday to say mama and actually mean me. Yup, cried my eyes out. And get a little teary every time she's said it since.

And just so I end on the best possible note. Here's a little slice of Pie in the pool with her daddy...

Hope you all have an awesome weekend!