Here is how this award works:
•To receive this award, promise to share this with 10 other BLOGS that you think are Trendy too.
•Post about your award in your blog.•List your Top 10 Trendy Blogs.
•Share with them.
•Leave a link to the Trendy Blog Button.
•Tell them they need to give this award out to 10 as well.Now I get to pass this award on to 10 blogs that I think are trendy.
Cindy at This Adventure, Our Life
Swistle at Swistle
Ally at Fourth Grade Nothing
Amy at Just Barely
Mona at kirida dot com
Tiffany at electric boogaloo
Angela at Life with Lane
Life is a SandCastle at Life is a SandCastle
Jenni at jenni from the blog
Aholic at Aholic
You trendies can get the button at the Trendy Treehouse.
Awww, Sara! You are awesome!
Aww, shucks.
Thanks Sara! You are too nice!! I will try to blog this next week as I am pausing the blogging right now :)
Thank you! So sweet!
It's well deserved by all!!!
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I talk, then you talk, and sometimes I talk back again. It's a conversation! And we can all pretend we're not internet shut-ins who never talk to anyone. Hooray!