Full dress...
Stripe detail...

I feel like I want it to be something useful, something she'll always have, but also not something that she'll use all the time and destroy. HELP!!!

I feel like I want it to be something useful, something she'll always have, but also not something that she'll use all the time and destroy. HELP!!!
I like the handkerchief idea. She could have it for her wedding day. I have seen special ones given to the daughter and the poem that goes with it is....
I am just a little hankie, as square as can be;
but with a stitch or two, they've made a dress out of me.
I wore on a special day,and it was carefully pressed and neatly packed away.
Then on the Wedding, I have been told,
every well dressed Bride must have something old.
So what would be more fitting than to find Little Old Me, a few stitches snipped and a Wedding Handkerchief I Will Be!
And if per chance, it is a boy, someday he still will Wed.
So to his Bride he can present the "Magic Handkerchief" once worn upon his head.
PS I reworded the poem.
Kayla - That's really sweet!
aww... I guess I never really thought about that part of the adoption process... bringing you little babe to court... so scary but exciting! The dress is gorgeous and that is sooo thoughtful that you are making something special out of it. Reminds me of the scene from Juno where Jennifer Garner has the back of the jiffy lube receipt framed... goosebumps just thinking about it!!!!
Maybe you could incorporate it into some kind of small quilt or wall-hanging along with other special pieces of fabric from you and your husband?
Leah - I love that idea! And I can't tell you how many times we watched Juno while waiting for Pie's arrival!!
What a gorgeous little dress! I love Leah's idea of incorporating it into a small quilt. Something that Pie could pass on to her daughter (or son) someday. Please let us know what you decide.
Turn it into a purse. Not sure how to do that but somebody out there in Google land has probably done it.
I'm a framer...I frame everything. Oh, K's idea is good! A purse is a great idea.
Lots of yummy love,
Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner
I don't have any ideas, but it's a gorgeous dress. Maybe you could just save it for her future babies?
So pretty. I think you should save it. I have a couple of beautiful little dresses like that from when I was a baby that my mom handed down to my in her old hope chest. Save it for awhile and if you ever get a feeling for what you really want to do with it, you can.
Oh, that is the sweetest little dress! I was thinking a quilt as well. I've seen one made out of special baby clothes before and it was really cute. However, I really like the idea above about having something of yours and your husband's in the quilt as well. :)
You could always cut it up into squares and make it into a quilt. It will last for many years and she'll be able to use it as much as she wants, or hang it over her bed to always look at.
I was thinking quilt too. It would be used more than a hankerchief. You could even add on to the quilt over the years with other favorite material or cloth. There is a memory with everything! Found you from NFF at The Girl Creative!
just found you on friday-follow. Now I'm a follower! how about a pillow? looks like you have already had some great ideas!
come on over...
so pretty!!! I have no advice with what to do but it is such a pretty dress!
I think everyone's given you great ideas! The dress is beautiful!
You could make a pillow out of it and use the neck detail to sew onto the front as a pretty design. It is beautiful though.
Beautiful dress- and beautiful idea to save it somehow. Unfortunately, I'm not crafty.
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