November 23, 2010

A year ago today

Well not the exact date, but last year on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, Husband ran into an acquaintance. An old co-worker. Pie's bio dad. I've talked about this before, but here's a little more detail...

Husband ran into Pie's bio dad (PBD). They chatted for a bit and Husband mentioned that PBD looked stressed out. PBD said that he really was, his girlfriend was 8 months pregnant and they had no idea what to do. He finished by jokingly asking Husband, "You want a baby?" Without missing a beat, Husband said yes, that we had actually been in the adoption process for about 3 years. PBD was surprised by that answer since Husband had never really discussed it at work, and said he would talk to his girlfriend.

Husband came home and told me about the random meeting, and said don't get excited, we'll probably never hear from them again. I said of course, and we went about our night. Shortly after midnight Husband got a text. PBD sent a message that he had talked to Pie's bio mom (PBM), that they were in and wanted to come talk to us. To say we were shocked is an understatement.

We decided to keep the possibility to ourselves until we had actually talked to them. So we sat through a brutal Thanksgiving, too excited to eat, too nervous to think straight. Thankfully no one was focused on us. Big Sister was pregnant and her c-section was scheduled for the 28th (the Saturday following Thanksgiving last year). My niece E is her first baby and we were all so antsy to meet her.

We also wanted the focus to be on them, because this whole situation could still turn into nothing, and E was about to make her grand entrance! So on Saturday E was born (she is perfect and completely gorgeous by the way) and then on Sunday PBM and PBD came over. We talked to them for about 4 hours. Each of us nervous, each asking lots of questions...some important, some completely inane. By the time the conversation was over, they had decided to place Pie with us and asked us to move forward and find an attorney.

The following week we met with the attorney and 7 weeks to the day that we found out about Pie she was born. For anyone doing the math, my niece E and Pie are 6 weeks apart. We later found out that PBD had not told anyone about the pregnancy. He simply decided at that instant to tell Husband about it. Can you imagine if he hadn't? Or if they hadn't seen each other? Every star in the sky aligned, every piece fell into its perfect place.

And now Husband and I (and PBM and PBD) have this amazing daughter. How life can change in a year...


Speaking of Pie...I think she'd really like it if you took a second and voted for me. You can vote every day!!