Well not even topless, Pie went with nothing but a diapey. And couldn't have been any cuter.
It just made my day all the more fantastic. I got some morning snuggles with my love then Husband took her and I got a little more sleep. A yummy breakfast and some play led to a nap (for all of us). Then it was lunch, more play and on to a dip in our inflatable pool.
It was a little cloudy, but really warm so the water felt great. And Pie loves a good splash! She also loves to model mama's sunglasses...
And then daddy started blowing bubbles and making us laugh...
...and then we had to splash some more...
...and then daddy was cracking us up again...
...aaannnddd right back to the splashing.
I hope you all had an fantastic weekend and that Mother's Day was full of awesome, nakey splashes!