August 1, 2011

Back in the saddle...well back near the saddle

I have been trying to get back into the swing of things and have been getting closer.

The transition back into reality from vacation has been tough. Spending every minute of 10 days with Pie was heaven, and of course the reverse is true, only getting a little time with her every day has been brutal.

She is in a big-time mama phase (which I am loving) so she gets really upset when I leave in the morning and it breaks my heart. She calls for me during the day, looks for me...sometimes Husband will call me and I can hear her in the background, " mama"

Getting back into the routine of leaving her and missing most of her day is distracting me, but I promise I'm working on it. Just hang in there with me and we'll be back to your regularly scheduled programming in no time.
