I'm back at work today (boo) but had an amazing week off with my sweet Pie (hooray). I hope you all had an awesome holiday and New Year's!!
I found this great year's wrap-up meme, the idea is to post the first sentence (or part if it’s crazy long) of the first post of each month from 2010. Hopefully you'll have fun revisiting some of these classics...
January: Not blogging yet.
February: Not blogging yet
March: Not blogging yet
April: My husband went into a Chipotle for a burrito and came out with a baby.
May: We got Pie so quickly that there was no preparation time.
June: I had an impressive list of things I was going to accomplish with all of my extra free time this weekend.
July: There aren't things I purposely hide from my daughter's birthparents.
August: As an adoptive parent I think it's unusual to come across negativity from the professionals involved.
September: {Peek-a-boo}
October: Madge knew she shouldn't have gotten so excited.
November: ...then who did?
December: {Growing Teeth is exhausting}