1. Blog Hop...Hooray!
Welcome to Blog Hop Friday, hosted by My New Life As Mom, Chubby Cheeks Thinks, Take A Mom's Word For It, Bree Bee's, This Adventure Our Life and Belly Charms!
2. We are going to visit Husband's family tomorrow. They live about 5 hours away. Pie hates the car. (insert sound of quiet weeping here) I have my fingers crossed that we can manage to time things with her naps so that she sleeps through most of the driving. Wish us luck! As a side effect it may take me a day or two to catch up with everything (comments and blog hopping) but I promise I will!
3. I have become certain that Pie is attempting to break us through the use of cruel and unusual behavior. We had a few glorious days after starting the cereal when she slept like a champ. Now she goes down fine, but then wakes up every 30-45 minutes until about midnight, then will sleep a little bit, then back up. Rinse. Repeat. I have no idea what's happening. As soon as one of us picks her up she generally goes right back to sleep. Thoughts? Suggestions? Oh my brilliant internet friends, HELP!!!!
I should have known from the start that she was plotting something evil...
That picture is priceless!!!
Hope you have a great weekend!
Oh you poor Momma! When they do not sleep it is miserable!!
I really do not have much advice, we have had to start doing a 5 min in, 5 min out thing...and after the initial rock to sleep and nurse put her down when she is drowsy, I do not pick her up again... So first week I went in there at 5 minute intervals....She wakes (I let her cry) for 5 minutes, then I go in and try to shhh here, pat her head (usually she is out of control), I stay in there 5 minutes, even if crying at some point I walk out again, and then wait, go in, etc...Once we do this for about a week I will make the time intervals a little larger (7 minutes, 10 minutes)...Now I did not start this till 6 months (just because I did not want her to cry) but I should have started it sooner, cause she goes down initially fine, but wakes up and wants to be held...I guess I am trying to teach her to go back to sleep herself and that she can not be held each minute...
Do what feels right for you and little Pie, you will know best :) Hope your car ride is not miserable!!
Your newest follower via Blog Hop Friday!!
Following you back from the Hop, looking forward to following your journey through motherhood, I am sure I will learn a lot for when I am finally ready to start my own journey!
Just hopping by!
Hi, just found you through a blog hop, hope you will follow me back :)
Hmmm...I'm probably not much help because my little guy didn't sleep through the night until he was 6 months old, but the thing that finally got him to sleep through the night was not going in when he woke up. It wasn't like he was crying for hours and hours, he was just used to getting up so he would and I would assume he wanted to nurse. So instead of me going in, my husband would check or my mom and then he got used to not nursing and started sleeping. He did have a few wakeful periods when he was teething, maybe she's cutting a few teeth! Goodluck!
J - that picture was taken the day she was born, I should have known then that I was in for some serious trouble!
Cindy - I think we're going to have to give that a try. Husband sent me a text a few minutes ago and said, "tend to your comments and Cindy has a good suggestion" it made me laugh. Thanks for the tip...I'll let you know how it goes!
Welcome CrazySimpleLife, Tiffany, Jen, and MNM. I'll be hopping back as soon as I get a chance. In the mean time I hope you enjoy the blog!
Newest follower.. reading your story. Stop by mine ifyou get a chance. :) Have a great weekend!
New follower from the blog hop!
Thanks Angela...I think we probably need to be a little less reponsive. I really want her to be able to soothe herself. It might still be too early though...who knows!?
Welcome Tabatha and Davney!
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