October 5, 2010

Lucky Number 13

Today is my anniversary. A dual anniversary to be exact. My dearest husband and I have been together for 13 years, and have been married for 9 of those. Because I am the greatest girlfriend ever, I chose to get married on our dating anniversary. Only one date to remember!

It was a long 13 years ago that I sat in the corner of my closet on the phone with him and decided that we would be together. Officially. It was only two weeks later that he said "I love you." It just popped out at the end of a phone call and I could tell he totally hadn't meant to say it out loud. At that point though, he had already decided to marry me and had even told his mother that he was going to (the night of our first date) so he had been thinking it the whole time. A short two and a half months after that we moved in together. Yea...livin in sin!

And then there was lots of in school, out of school, job changes, apartment changes, city changes, but never he and I changes. No matter what else was going on, we were rock solid. And a month after our 3 year anniversary, at Thanksgiving dinner with my family, he proposed (I'll do that whole story at Thanksgiving). 11 months later, 9 years ago today, we got married. The wedding was a comedy of errors that you can read about in my guest post here...it involves safety goggles...seriously.

I can't say it's been an easy 9 years. That would be a complete lie. We've dealt with every end of the spectrum; deaths and births, unemployment and deep pockets, infertility and the greatest gift in the entire world. Through all of that there was always love and friendship which magnified the joy in the good times and blunted the blows of the bad times. So I just have to say...

My Husband,

I love you.
You are my favorite.
You are my best friend.
You are the most amazing father.

I am the luckiest girl in the world that you are mine.

Happy Anniversary beloved.

**I meant to edit/refine this and add a bunch of embarrassing pictures, but instead I got a migraine and went to bed. Sorry it's so text-y and random...