According to the Mayans we have but a short year left to do everything we ever wanted before the world ends (heh). While I doubt I'll actually manage everything I've ever wanted, I would like to do one thing this year. One big thing.
I want to be present.
I came across One Little Word through *explanation required and instantly loved the idea. No list of resolutions that will be broken before the ink dries. No guilt. No failure. No beating yourself up about it. It's simply one word to keep in mind. One idea to filter your year through.
And I want to be present in my life. I want to take a deep breath and immerse myself in the moment. I don't want to be filled with anxiety about the to-do lists. I don't want to be overwhelmed with what has to get done. I want to put aside the stress, take care of what's immediately in front of me, and enjoy the sense of accomplishment when it's done.
I don't want the fleeting moments I happen to notice. I want them all. Every last one of them. I don't want to spend one more second playing with Pie and thinking about the paper/project/test I have coming up. I want to be there. Wholly. I want to give my undivided attention and give me best.
Of course this is all much easier said than done. I have a real problem with stress and anxiety. But maybe I need to up my meds a bit and fight back. Or start yoga again. Or remind myself more often that it all goes by way too fast and I need to be there or I'll miss it.
2012 is my year to be PRESENT.
Wish me luck.
If you decide to have a word. Let me know, I'd love to see.